Your California Privacy Rights
If you are a resident of the State of California, under the California Civil Code, you have the right to request from companies conducting business in California a list of all third parties to which the company has disclosed Personal Information during the preceding year for direct marketing purposes. Alternatively, the law provides that if a company has a Privacy Policy that gives either an opt-out (which we may sometimes refer to as "unsubscribe") or opt-in choice for use of your Personal Information by third parties (such as advertisers or affiliated companies) for marketing purposes, the company may instead provide you with information on how to exercise your disclosure choice options.

HammerDoctor.com qualifies for the alternative option since its comprehensive Privacy Policy guarantees you that your Personal Information will never be shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes. Therefore, we are not required to maintain or disclose a list of the third parties that received your Personal Information for marketing purposes during the preceding year – in fact, this list exists already, it’s just empty!
If you are a California resident and still wish to request information about how to exercise your third party disclosure choices you must send a request to the following address with a preference on how our response to your request should be sent (email or postal mail).
     Attn: Your California Privacy Rights
     c/o Privacy Administrator
     1130 E. Elm Ave.
     Fullerton, CA 92831- USA

For all requests, please include your name, street address, city, state, and zip code (your street address is optional if you wish to receive a response to your request via email). We will not accept requests via the telephone or by facsimile. We are not responsible for notices that are not labeled or sent properly, or do not have complete information.
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Equipment descriptions and specifications are subject to change without notice.
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