This seal carrier was improperly installed upside down, with a steel punch that deformed it and it kept the breaker from working.
It really matters what you know
Cleaning up this kind of piston touch requires a lot of experience. A new breaker has about .003 to .004 clearance, junk is about .007 to .008 depending on brand. If you take .001 off each side of the piston and cylinder that is a total of .004 if it was on the large side that would be .008 and you now have a boat anchor.
How much deformation can be fixed on the bottom of the piston? How do you fix it?
Pistons take a beating and some hold up better than others. Bad bushings and broken Tool nipples caused all of this.
Is this worth fixing?
These rust pits can be fixed with a resurface of the piston.
With experiance on tens of thousands of breakers, we know what is fixable and what is not. The picture to the right, what do you do with it?

What about wear on the bracket?

Do you know the tool bushings are the most important parts on the breaker to keep good, and why?
The diagram at left shows good bushing keeping the tool in line with the piston, when the bushings are bad
piston hits just a small part of the tool and all the hitting force of the piston is transferred through this edge. The piston cups and eventually breaks.
the tool is at an angle and the
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The Management Challenge: In-House vs. Outsourced Maintenance
The care and maintenance of each piece of heavy iron in a fleet directly affects the balance sheet of all departments in the organization. Fleet management is more and more about asset management, and whether equipment professionals choose to build a team to keep maintenance operations in-house or turn maintenance and repair tasks over to their dealers, they are still looking for an ownership experience built on reasonable costs, maximum equipment uptime, and reliability.
To meet the challenges of more complicated machines, new data-collection technologies, new diagnostic tools, and ever-changing environmental and economic rules, the “shop and yard”
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The Management Challenge: Equipment Profession Facing Management Reset
By Rod Sutton, Editorial Director Tue,   2011-02-01
_____________________ The prolonged downturn has forced the nation into an economic reset as government, businesses and citizens adjust to what many are calling the new financial realities. The construction industry has struggled even more with these new realities. Organizations are emphasizing the financial management of their equipment assets, and equipment executives find themselves with more responsibility for and involvement in tasks that directly affect the bottom line.

This is not a recent development, although the recession has clarified and intensified it. Equipment management has been moving in this direction for nearly 15 years. The new realities of asset management, however, are forcing a management reset for fleets and managers.   
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Proper Maintenance Key to Hydraulic Breaker Life, Performance 
Published  06/11/2007
As tough as hydraulic breakers are, they still demand a crack maintenance program to keep them hammering away. All hydraulic breakers, regardless of design or manufacturer, have the task of shattering, cracking or splitting material. The assignment isn't exactly gentle on the equipment. Wear and tear is an outright certainty, so maintaining the breaker is vital to keeping it running at peak efficiency.
Breakers will eventually fail after years of service, but the life cycle and performance of a given unit can be greatly enhanced through proper maintenance, which can be viewed from three separate perspectives: routine maintenance by the contractor, periodic rebuilds by the manufacturer, and preventative maintenance features within the breaker itself.  
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